Below, find some of the questions that are frequently asked about Dr. Taslim’s service, and psychological services in general. If you have questions that have not been answered, contact Dr. Taslim.

Is therapy covered by OHIP?

Therapy and other psychological services are not covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). However, many clients have access to extended health benefits through employee and private health insurance plans, which provide full or partial coverage for services provided by a registered psychologist. You are encouraged to check with your insurer regarding coverage and whether or not your plan requires a physician referral (but to see a psychologist, you do not need a referral). Additionally, psychological services are a tax deductible medical expense.

Psychologists are often employed by hospitals, and sometimes by community health centres. Services through these psychologists tend to be specialized and are likely to have a long waitlist; however, they are viable options for receiving psychological services.

How do I know if I need psychological services, and how long will the process take before I feel better?

If you are having difficulties with everyday life situations, planning for an upcoming stressor, are having trouble understanding or managing your emotions, and/or are behaving in ways that you do not life, it may be a good time to seek out psychological services. Both assessment and therapy can help you gain insight into why you think and behave the way you do, can assist with problem-solving, and seeks to support you in becoming the best version of yourself. An initial conversation with Dr. Taslim can help you figure out if her services and approach are right for you.

Depending on the reason someone comes in for therapy, services can range from a single session to much longer. Some people feel like they need on-going support, and this can be provided by Dr. Taslim. Some people choose to come once a week, others may come bi-weekly, or once a month. This all depends on your needs, and is usually decided collaboratively with Dr. Taslim.

Will my information be kept private?

Ensuring the privacy of personal information is an essential principle guiding Dr. Taslim’s work. Psychologists are bound by professional standards and by legislation to maintain confidentiality. Client information is not released to anyone without permission from the client, except as required by law in Ontario. When you come into the office for your first appointment, Dr. Taslim will discuss these exceptions with you, and will answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding confidentiality and its limits.

How do I pay for services?

Payment for services is due at the end of each session and you will be provided a receipt that you can submit for reimbursement to your insurance company or save for tax purposes. Dr. Taslim accepts cash, cheque, and e-transfer.

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